Fundraising for Sierra's Haven is the perfect opportunity for schools, 4-H groups, Boy Scout and Girl Scout Troops, youth groups, churches, or college student organizations to take charge and give back to an amazing cause. Check out some of our suggested fundraisers, and feel free to give us a call if you have any questions.

Gatti's Pizza Fundraiser
Gatti's Pizza located at 1658 11th Street in Portsmouth Ohio is one of our favorite fundraising spots! Fundraising at Gatti's Pizza is perfect for youth or adult volunteer groups as the tasks given are fairly simple: cleaning tables and running a baked goods table. Your two ways to raise money at a Gatti's Pizza fundraiser are to bake and sell your baked goods, and to have community members mention our organization when they pay on the day of your fundraiser. A portion of the proceeds from each sale mentioning our organization will go towards your fundraiser. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for providing the baked goods and the table to setup said goods. This fundraiser also requires some facebook or other type of marketing to spread the word about your fundraising event. For more info, call Gatti's Pizza at (740) 353-4000.
Car Wash
A car wash is the perfect fundraiser for our youth because of the simple and fun nature of the event. There are many places where a car wash can be held, but one suggestion from us would be to schedule and hold your car wash at Tim Hortons. Tim Hortons is located at 1130 Chillicothe Street in Portsmouth Ohio. Chillicothe Street gets plenty of traffic and Tim Hortons hosts multiple car washes for different organizations throughout the year, so this is the perfect spot for your next car wash fundraiser. For more info please call Tim Hortons at (740) 353-3734.
Yard Sale
What better way to raise money than to get rid of your old stuff? Sierra's Haven loves this fundraising event so much that we even hold our own annual yard sale to raise funds for the shelter. A yard sale is the perfect opportunity for members of your organization to come together and sale their old items in order to raise money for a good cuase.
Donation Drive
One last way to help Sierra's Haven is to hold a donation drive at your school or organization. We are always happy to accept any pet or cleaning supplies here at the shelter. If you would like a list of our most needed items please give us a call at (740) 353-5100 today.

Let's Work Together
If you are interested in holding a fundraiser to benefit Sierra's Haven please contact us today at or (740) 353-5100.