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Check Back for Monthly Neuter Day Dates

Sunday, March 2, 2025
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Our community, as well as our whole country, has begun to see a huge feline overpopulation problem. Currently, the ASPCA approximates 3.4 million cats entering animal shelters nationwide every year. Of those 3.4 million cats, approximately 920,000 die in shelters each year. Overpopulation has quickly become the number one cause of death of healthy pet cats in the USA.


It all stems from the simple fact that not everyone spays or neuters their cats. Besides maintaining the cat population, spay and neuter prevents certain types of cancers and other health conditions that stem from a simple yet effective procedure. At Sierra's Haven, we want to do everything in our power to make neutering your cat within your budget so we can eliminate the most common obstacle when it comes to feline neutering. That is why we started our Male Cat Neuter Days.


Our Male Cat Neuter Day has become one our most valued programs to many of our community members. We are so proud to say we offer discounted male cat neutering every month at a rate of $30.00 (includes Rabies Vaccine). Please keep in mind that our Male Cat Neuter Day changes every month, so watch our webpage or facebook page to be updated on our Male Cat Neuter Day monthly dates and times.​

To download a Male Cat Neuter Day form, click on the button below.

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